Pro Features

Build more advance and interactive Ezlinq with Pro Features

Affiliate Links

Simple & stylish affiliate links


Annoymous Message

Let your audence send you an Annoymous Message



Create a single article and get paid for reading the article



Easy scheduling ahead


Contact Me

Allow your visitors send you a message to your mail


Downloadable files

 Setup file(s) to be downloaded after 



Email Collection

Create & collect your audience email


Embed Link

Embed any link or video



Simple & stylish affiliate links


Guest Book

Collect texts from your friends or followers


Image Album

Share a gallery of multiple images


Link Locker

Pay to access hidden link


Page Reviews

Leave reviews & ratings on your page



Vote on questions


Popup Shop

Sell products with one picture


Qr Code

Add a QrCode of any link or page



Let people or visitors ask you a question


Send to Whatsapp

Let people to send you a message to your whatsapp


Skill Bar

Let your visitors know your skillset



A simple textarea you can add to your page


Tip Jar

Get donations or tip from your audience or visitors


Unlock Image

Setup an image to be unlocked when a visitor pays


Unlock Video

Get paid for viewing or watching embedded video's.


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 Ezlinq Yet?